Saturday, March 17, 2012

SOS Elections 12/13

Hello everyone!

Here are the candidates running for SOS executive positions. Voting will take place in the Science One lounge during lunchtime the week of March 19-23. Campaigning rules are simple: no spending any money, no in-class announcements, and no mass emails using Science One mailing lists

Good luck!


Min Hyuk Lee:
It already has been 6 months since I started working for Science One. I do not know whether I did well or not, but it was an experience that I would describe “life-changing.” And here is one of the things I learned from past 6 months: I would like to work for Science One once more.

I would dare claim that I did my best as SOS rep, and despite the effort, there were certainly mistakes, problems, and rooms to improve. I do not want the group to suffer through same problems again. I will guide the group to avoid past mistakes, and I will be keep listening for everything and everyone. I am ready to present you the improved environments for the future generations of Science One.

VP External

David Kim:
Over the past year, although the pain was agonizing beyond limits at times, I was able to survive essentially because of being surrounded by so many wonderful scholars around me. I learned what the true value of being part of a community really is through Science One, and even when we are finished with Science One, when each and every one of us set off into different careers prepared to unleash our potentials, I would like to preserve the precious bonds I’ve made with all my comrades during the year. Thus, nothing more will delight me than to facilitate the connections amongst the alumni and future Science One students, and help to continue developing the profound identity and dignity of Science One amongst the UBC community. Thanks for hearing me out folks! (Psst.. I’ll make sure we get our hands on letterman jackets next year – even for our year!). 

VP Internal

Samantha Tan:
Hi guys! This is Samantha Tan and I hope that you will vote for me as SOS’s VP Internal. After gruelling through several months of science one, the next cohort of lost sheeps will be taking over our pains. There were many support programs that helped us transition into Science One which I would like to retain and further improve. If elected, I would like to continue the current mentorship program. I hope to conduct more regular mentor-mentee meetings so that we can guide them (and when we feel evil we can freak them out a bit!). With my dedication, love for planning activities, and good organizational skills, I will organize more events such as mid-term and final exam preparation. I would also like to hold “What to Expect Entering Science One”, in addition to imagine day I would like to provide a platform where a few of us are able to relay the expectations and valuable experiences of Science One, which was not offered to us when we entered first year.  


Fiona Kwong:
Successfully transiting from high school to an intensive learning environment such as Science One requires perseverance and determination.   I would like to be part of SOS to provide a supportive environment and to create a memorable first year for students.  Throughout high school, I held Chief Executive positions in Yearbook where we compiled unforgettable student memories for students.  Currently running for Secretary and Treasurer positions of SOS, I am a reliable, responsible, and creative individual.  I am confident in fulfilling the duties of the Secretary and Treasurer, such as publications and financial management, to make the best of times for students.   

Marilyn Sun:
Having been the secretary of previous clubs, I would say that I have had considerable experience with the role of the secretary. Throughout my high school years, I have typed out countless formal monthly reports, meeting minutes and event invitations—all before the required deadlines. Always diligent and organized, I am not only a detailed note-taker, but also an eloquent communicator both orally and in written words. I have had formidable practice in collaborating with other club executives in events and projects. Skilled in painting and drawing, I have been known as a creative and artistic, even in newsletter and brochure design. Therefore, with my cheerful personality and amicable temperament, I am sure I would make a great secretary.  

Ninnart Siripun:
I would like to run for the positions of secretary and social coordinator. I feel that I was a lot more involved in high school than I am in university right now. In high school, I was the head of the academic council and a boarding prefect. As the head of council, I've organized events for spirit day, ran meetings for large groups of people, and sent out weekly minutes to the members. In boarding, I made sure that new boarders feel welcomed and organized games and activities on weekends. Those positions helped improve my organization and time management skills. I also learnt to deal with different types of people. I believe that with those skills, I'll be able improve the science one experience for the class of 2012/13. Thank you :) 

Samantha Tan:
Hi guys! This is Samantha Tan and I hope you will vote for me as SOS’s secretary. I am methodical, organized and take detailed notes which would make me an awesome secretary for SOS. I work well with others and love setting agendas and planning for meetings. You can trust me to send out messages from SOS exec meetings on time and I will work well with other SOS members to plan wonderful events for next year’s students. Also, armed with a graphic design background, I look forward to constructing a wonderful newsletter for the students’ next year.


Fiona Kwong:
Successfully transiting from high school to an intensive learning environment such as Science One requires perseverance and determination.   I would like to be part of SOS to provide a supportive environment and to create a memorable first year for students.  Throughout high school, I held Chief Executive positions in Yearbook where we compiled unforgettable student memories for students.  Currently running for Secretary and Treasurer positions of SOS, I am a reliable, responsible, and creative individual.  I am confident in fulfilling the duties of the Secretary and Treasurer, such as publications and financial management, to make the best of times for students.   

Grace Hsu:
Hello everyone, I would love to be treasurer for SOS. A large fraction of my volunteer experience involves handling money and budgeting for a community centre's concession stand. If elected as treasurer for SOS, the experience be valuable on multiple levels for me. I enjoy working with numbers and focussing my manic uptightness toward the treasury position appeals a great deal. However, most of all, the people I would have the opportunity to work with are the people I've spent most of my time with for the past year. Be it dying before, during, and after labs, or hysterically trying to finish assignments that were due, like, yesterday, you are really what makes me able to say that my first year was wonderful. Therefore, to be allowed to serve the program that brought us together and work with any of the amazing people that made Science One worthwhile to me is a privilege that I would treasure. :)


Marilyn Sun:
No matter which organization or club, money is always involved. A good treasurer must be responsible, organized and detail-oriented in order to maintain a good control of the club’s financial situation. Having had experience organizing summer camps and serving as an executive in various clubs, I have had ample experience with budgeting and money collecting.  Assisting my father with household income budgeting, and managing my own bank account, has further helped me develop a sense of responsibility towards money. All these experiences have made me become organized and meticulous in financial bookkeeping. Therefore, with my experience in budgeting, along with my commitment, patience, and outgoing personality, I am sure I will be a reliable treasurer for the club. 

Tami Wee:
I am running for the position of Treasurer and Social Coordinator. In high school I have always been involved in school activities. I was the student council president in grade 12, with four years of experience as a grade representative. I was also the co-president of our free the children club for two years. I have plenty of experience and knowledge in organizing events, managing time and most importantly, communicating with people. Whether it be with teachers, students and parents, I have developed my interpersonal skills all throughout high school and I feel confident that I will be able to do a good job. Science one provided us with a strong sense of community which is one aspect I most liked about the program. I have learned many things in science one and have valuable experiences to share with our fellow sci oners and am energetic, enthusiastic and excited for the opportunity to connect with the class of 2013. Thank you! 

Social Coordinator

Haley Patrick:
Rather then list qualities that attempt to make me sound superior, I would like to say what SoCo means to me. It’s a way to connect with the future Science One students, who will be as lost as we were this year. It’s a way to ensure we all stay connected even as we move onto our own specializations and out of the Peace River Classroom. Most of all, being your SoCo is a way for me to give back to Science One and you. You are the reason this year was memorable for me, let me help make next year memorable for you and the new Science Ones. 

Ninnart Siripun:
I would like to run for the positions of secretary and social coordinator. I feel that I was a lot more involved in high school than I am in university right now. In high school, I was the head of the academic council and a boarding prefect. As the head of council, I've organized events for spirit day, ran meetings for large groups of people, and sent out weekly minutes to the members. In boarding, I made sure that new boarders feel welcomed and organized games and activities on weekends. Those positions helped improve my organization and time management skills. I also learnt to deal with different types of people. I believe that with those skills, I'll be able improve the science one experience for the class of 2012/13. Thank you :) 

Tami Wee:
I am running for the position of Treasurer and Social Coordinator. In high school I have always been involved in school activities. I was the student council president in grade 12, with four years of experience as a grade representative. I was also the co-president of our free the children club for two years. I have plenty of experience and knowledge in organizing events, managing time and most importantly, communicating with people. Whether it be with teachers, students and parents, I have developed my interpersonal skills all throughout high school and I feel confident that I will be able to do a good job. Science one provided us with a strong sense of community which is one aspect I most liked about the program. I have learned many things in science one and have valuable experiences to share with our fellow sci oners and am energetic, enthusiastic and excited for the opportunity to connect with the class of 2013. Thank you! 

Sports Coordinator

David Kim:
Hello Sci Oners! Sports have always been a huge passion in my life and I daresay I’m the biggest Canucks fan on the face of the earth!
Alas, despite the name, the job of sports coordinator mostly does not involve playing sports but organizing and promoting fun physical activities such as the annual Science One vs CSP sports day. However, this ties in perfectly with my hobby in high school where I loved setting up and simulating virtual seasons of popular sports teams/leagues, which I am happy to share my work with anyone who would like to. Under the sports committee, along with the VP External (which I am also running for!), the sports coordinator can make the year much more fun for both the Sci One alumni and students, and I will not let anyone down if I am given such opportunities!


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